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 story part3

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Junior Writer
Junior Writer

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story part3 Empty
PostSubject: story part3   story part3 EmptyThu Apr 29, 2010 9:13 pm

Chapter 10
Recap: "Good boy." you said, patting him on the head. He wilted a little, probably thinking you were acting childish. Well, as long as he kept his thoughts to himself...
"Don't you think you're acting a little childish, General?" You twitched. This guy...
"SHUT. UP." you roared, chasing him out of the hospital...

You didn't get very far before he ducked into an alleyway. How unfair...he could find all kinds of hiding places in there. "Hey! Shun! That's not fair, you idiot! How am I supposed to find you in here?!" you called, standing at the entrance of the alleyway. Someone tapped you on the shoulder. Turning, you saw Shun, grinning a very un-Shun-like grin. Oh wow...sometimes you were the real idiot. "So, Envy, back so soon?" you mock-greeted him. He stuck his tongue out at you like a little kid, shrinking back into his palm tree form.
"Aw, how'd you guess?" he pretended to pout.
"Shun doesn't grin like that." you answered honestly.
"C'mon, I'm sure there's another reason." he pressed.
"Nope. I've known Shun since I first joined the military." you insisted. Again, true. Though he'd been your superior back then...That was why it was so fun to order him around now!
"So...See you in the morning!" he said brightly, bringing some heavy metal object down on your head...
You staggered slightly, before collapsing to the ground...

Envy's POV
It'd certainly taken me a while, but I'd finally nabbed the brat! Now I just had to take her to the predestined area and wait. Oh jeez, how boring. The waiting part was the worst. Catching her was child's play compared to that..."Let's go, you useless lump of flesh. Well, you won't be waking up anytime soon, so I guess talking to you isn't much use." I realized. This girl was a lot less entertaining when she was all quiet and limp. That explosion she'd let loose earlier to try and get rid of me was very amusing, though. Also surprising. I'd expected her to be weak after all the time she was spending in hospitals recently, but it hadn't seemed to hinder her at all. I love you girl...So troublesome. But at least I'd caught her now. That made things a little easier. Now I just had to lure the other brats in, and make sure they did what I wanted to do. Once I had the Philosopher’s Stone, I'd be free to kill them all!
Another evil smile played on my lips. What a fun game this was. Mother would be so proud at how manipulative I'd turned out...maybe she'd stop obsessing over that bastard for once, and let me kill him. That'd be fun too...This looked to be a fine week...

Shun's POV
I'd been headed for the General, to see what had caught her attention, when I was assaulted by someone. A voice had whispered something in my ear, but it was too low for me to catch what they were saying. Now I was tied up in a supply closet, having regained consciousness moments before. Sayaka was, as usual, first and foremost on my mind. If he'd gone after me first, he must've wanted to get her by disguising himself as me. But the General'd never fall for something so obvious. We'd known each other for years...

The new officer I was supposed to escort was young, about a year or so younger than myself. They said she was Mustang's sister or something, which explained the resemblance. She looked just like him, really...right down to that sneaky little smirk.
"What?" I asked, confused by why she'd by smirking at me. I had a feeling it wasn't good.
"Nothing!" she sang, widening her eyes and trying to look angelic. But that smirk was still present on her lips, unbeknowst to her.
"Then why are you hiding your hands behind your back?" I asked suspiciously. She twitched a little, ruining her act.
"I'm not working for a kid!" she scoffed, throwing something powdery at me.
"H-hey!" I sputtered, rubbing the powder out of my eyes. I licked my lips to see if I could detect any poisonous substances. But rather than bitter or overly sweet, the taste was...cheesy?
"Haha! That sure got you down! Is cheese poisonous these days?" Major Roy Mustang chuckled, walking up to me with the same smirk I'd just seen on his sister.
"Major, it's nice to see you again. I've heard rumors about that little brat. Supposedly, she's your sister." I baited him. I was his superior (though only by one rank) and could therefore insult him (and his kin).
"Yeah, she is. Quite the little monster, too..." he added under his breath. Oh, great...so even Roy thought his sister was annoying. That didn't really help your situation...
"Well...any ideas on how to tame her a little?" I asked hopefully. That midget was a monster...
"Sorry, but no. Even I cannot begin to comprehend where her insane wildness comes from. I don't know what the Führer sees in her." Roy confided, making a face.
"Aren't you two close?" I asked, confused by his annoyed attitude. From what I'd heard, he'd been cheering pretty loudly when she made it in...
"Of course! I adore Saya! But...I will become Führer before she does! This I have sworn to myself!" he declared, changing from doting brother to competitive soldier before I could blink in surprise. Now I was beginning to see the truth of the matter...Their craziness...was hereditary...No getting around genetics here...
"Th-that's great, Roy...I-I'll just be going now..." I quickly excused myself, running down the hall in the same direction the girl'd gone. I really didn't like kids. What a nuisance...
"Watch where you're going!" someone snapped as I brushed past them. I skidded to a halt, and turned to see...Roy's little sister. There was a malovent expression on her face...really creepy, considering how young she was, yet already so tainted. A demon child. "Oh. It's you. Get lost already, would 'ya? You're getting on my nerves." she said passivly, turning to leave. I placed my hand tightly on her shoulder, preventing her from running away.
"Look, I don't like you either. But the Führer dictated that you'll be working under me, so...Obey me already!!!" I commanded her, feeling more powerful than ever before.
"Whatever." she snorted, dismissing my authority like it was nothing.
"Why you...OBEY ME!!!" I yelled, waving my arms around emphatically like a chicken...Wait, a chicken?!
"Stop that. You look ridiculous. Now...I believe it is you who will do the obeying!" she cackled, seeming to grow several feet. Even though five seconds ago I'd been quite a bit taller than her...now she was looking down on me with that same sarcastic smirk.
"Y-yeah right! Like I'd ever!" I huffed, crossing my arms like a rebellious child...
"Don't cross me, filthy leech." she growled, truly intimidating. I'd always thought of myself as a strong, invincible soldier. I used my authority without a moments hesitation. But the moment I met Sayaka Mustang...I learned what it was like to be looked down upon. And suddenly, I didn't feel so invincible. This little girl...was a true leader.
//End of Flashback//

I shook my head to clear it of the memories now plaguing me. The day I'd met General Mustang was embedded in my mind. She'd shown me who was boss. And now, I was proud to loyally serve and protect her. I worked hard every day to earn her approval, and most often times got it. In truth, she was fragile. So, I protected her. Because beyond her hardened exterior, she was a truly kind person. I wondered how long it would take for those around her to realize this. Roy already had; he'd known her from the time she was born, them being siblings and all. But what about everyone else?
I sighed despondantly. If I was going to get out of this closet, I needed to stop with all the life-reflections. The General could take care of herself. She was a powerful fighter. But against the homunculi, she'd need some help. That was where I came in.

Chapter 11
Recap: I sighed despondantly. If I was going to get out of this closet, I needed to stop with all the life-reflections. The General could take care of herself. She was a powerful fighter. But against the homunculi, she'd need some help. That was where I came in.

Your POV (previously Shun's)
"Dammit...that stupid palm-tree, tying me up like this..." you growled, tugging at the rope around your ankles. Normal rope wouldn't be a problem for you, but this was definitely not normal rope. Then again, there wasn't much normal about your situation, or about the position you were in to reach the rope in the first place. Not even the greatest of gymnists could compete with this complicated pretzel formation you'd achieved to get at the rope with your teeth. Sadly, being double-jointed did not help you here, because your arms were tied to your sides, and your wrists were tied to your feet. These homunculi were ready for anything...I love you bastards. Eventually you gave up at trying to escape. You couldn't use alchemy because your hands were tied to different ankles, with no way of making contact or snapping. Also, your gloves had been confinscated. You'd need new ones when you got out of here. Dammit, those were your favorite pair...
A thud outside of the small, dark room, caused you to reflexively snap out of your pretzel position, and hit your head on the wall. It throbbed painfully, and you nearly drew blood biting down on your lip to keep from screaming, The only thing they hadn't thought of was covering up your mouth to keep you quiet. Somehow, though, you doubted that was unintentional. They probably had some masterful reason for letting you talk. Though you had yet to figure out what it was.
There was no sound after the one thud, so you assumed it was safe to let out a small shriek. It echoed around the room, hurting your ears. If you could've, you'd have clutched your head, then covered your ears and mouth while shrieking. But no, you had to get your eardrums busted because these bastards hadn't thought to shut you up. Not kill you, of course; just found a way to prevent you from talking. The not-killing-you part was great. Well, that depended on how you looked at this situation.
Some might consider it to their advantage to be alive, while others like yourself might be so completely bored, death seemed like a beautiful gateway outta here. You were beginning to think about slamming your head against the wall until you died of a head injury, when a door you hadn't noticed opened.
"Hello." a generally evil-looking woman greeted you.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs.You're-really-creeping-me-out-with-that-glare." you said in return. She marched over to you, her heels clacking on the floor. You winced at the loud noise as it reverberated around the room. She came to a halt in front of you, smirking with self-satisfaction before slapping you across the face.
"Aw, come on now little girl. If you don't behave, I'll have to get rid of you before my worthless son does. And that would make him upset, which would hinder my plans." she fake-gushed, venom seeping from her voice. She ended up sounding less like a loving mother and more like a female Hitler.
"Okay. By the way, who's the father? I feel bad for him; must've been hard living with a bitchy control freak like you. I can see why he left." You could hardly believe those words had actually come out of your mouth. Sure, taunting your captors was fun, but this lady was serious. As in, seriously-about-to-kill-you-if-you-said-another-word. But at least your words were mere guesses. There was no way you were actually right--
"What did you just say to me?!" she snarled, picking you up by the front of your hospital gown.
"Nothing." you said coldly, pretending to be un-intimdated by her feriocous attitude. But deep down, you were more afraid than you'd ever been in your life. Nothing like this had ever happened to you before. And you could only imagine how Roy would be feeling when he found out you'd been kidnapped by the homunculi...Wait...Roy? "Oh I love you!" you cursed, finally remembering your older brother. He probably thought you'd been rolled of to the mourge or something, not kidnapped by the homunculi. Of course, Shun was there to--or not. If Envy'd come after you disguised as Shun, that meant the real Shun was "safely" tucked away in some broom closet, unable to escape. That left only one option for rescue...and you didn't even want to go there. No way would you ever ask that microscopic excuse for a human being to save you. Not that you even could ask...
Oh. Envy's plan directly involved Fullmetal coming to save you. So it was already set in stone...I love you.
"What are you so worked up about? Can't take the fear, girlie?" Mrs.Hitler interupted your swirling thoughts. This woman seriously needed to learn how to take a joke.
"Apparently not. Please, grace me with your presence more often so I'll be ready when King Henry IV comes back to life." you taunted her, determined not to give in to her threats.
"Shut up." she hissed, slapping you again. Her heels made a tremendous amount of noise as she left the room. She certainly had a lot of rage...

Roy's POV (poor Roy, he's been gone a while...)
"WHAT?!?!? SAYAKA'S GONE?!?!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN, GONE?!?!? WHERE'D SHE GO?!?!? WHEN DID SHE GO?!?!? WHY WEREN'T YOU WATCHING HER?!?!?" you ranted, growing larger and larger with each question. Meanwhile, Fullmetal shrank to the size of a sunflower seed.
"B-but Shun was there...So I thought--"
"Calm down, Mustang! I'm sure she's with Shun, wherever he is!"
"She was on the brink of death the last time I saw her, and you're saying she just got up and left with Shun?!?" you demanded, still entirely infuriated, though your voice had quieted down some.
"Maybe she had some sort of miraculous recovery. I don't know, just ask the people at the hospital!" Ed wailed, giving up on trying to assuage you. You turned a little red, realizing he had a point. Instead of asking the useless (and clueless) Ed, you could've just gone and asked the people who were supposed to look after Sayaka.
"Dammit." you swore, shoving Ed aside in your haste to get to the hospital. Ed watched you go, shaking his head in disbelief at your frantic pace. He did not quite understand the bond between you and Sayaka. Even his unique relationship with his younger brother, Al, was not entirely similar to the one you had with Sayaka. Because while both of you desired to protect the younger sibling with your lives, it was different for you because Sayaka was a girl. Therefore you felt the need to protect more than just her life; her innocence, her values, her dreams...they were all just as important to you as they were to her.
So maybe Ed would never fully understand. Either way, it didn't matter now. Not with the urgency you felt propelling you forward, filling you with a strong premonition of danger to come.

Your POV
Ever since good 'ole Mrs. Hitler had left you in a fit of rage, the boredom had returned. No one in this building could spare the time to drop in on you, apparently. Your empty stomach growled in complaint at this. They had yet to feed you, or supply your parched throat with water. Once your use expired, you'd go bye bye. That was their basic intention, anyway, get what they wanted then throw you away like sour milk...Not the most promising of plans.
"Anybody home?" The now-familiar voice of Envy questioned as he strolled into the room/closet, calm as ever.
"No. Leave a message and I'll get back to you later." you joked, fidgeting a little to stare at 'im, make him nervous. Your intimidation technique was ineffective on the now cool and collected homunculus, though. Well, it was worth a try.
"Haha, very funny. Don't forget your position here. I can kill you whenever I want." Envy smirked, the usual malevolent grin plastered on his face.
"What're you gonna do, smile at me like that 'till it drives me insane and I commit
suicide?" you quipped, cheeky even in said dire situation.
"No. But believe me...I've got plans." This time his eyes seemed to sweep over you, like a lion observing it's prey. And in this particular situation, that hungry gaze was making the prey very uncomfortable.

Chapter 12
Recap: "No. But believe me...I've got plans." This time his eyes seemed to sweep over you, like a lion observing it's prey. And in this particular situation, that hungry gaze was making the prey very uncomfortable.

Ed's POV
The Colonel had run off to save his snarky little sister, leaving me to fend for myself here at Military HQ...really, what did he expect me to do all day?! Research on the Philosopher's Stone wasn't really going anywhere, and Al had vanished after the last rain, probably looking for yet another stray kitten. Jeez, you'd think he'd let it go after the fiftieth time, but nooo...
"Hey, Ed! Have you seen the Colonel around?" Havoc asked, walking up to me with an uncharacteristically serious expression on his face. Even the usual cigarette was absent from his mouth. Something was up. Finally.
"Yeah, just a couple minutes ago, why?" I questioned lazily. Conversations having anything to do with that stupid bastard did not interest me. This better be good.
"Really?! Where was he headed?!" Havoc demanded, not bothering to answer my question. Apparently it was the Colonel he was searching for, not me...what a downer.
"Why. Do. You. Want. To. Know?!" I abbreviated for him, quickly losing my patience. People often referred to me as sho--quick tempered, though I couldn't understand why. I had a very calm, soothing personality, that attracted people like moths to a bright, white light...
"That's not important right now, Ed! I just need to find the Colonel!" he insisted, causing the light to blink out...
"Thanks, Ed, I owe you one!" Havoc called back at me as he ran off.
"Oh! Thanks again! See ya' later!" he said, grinning whilst he ran in the right direction. Ugh, I didn't have time for this crap. What was going on with people around here anyway? Always running off in the opposite direction from me for some reason...
I sighed, resting my chin on the table again. This was gonna be one long day...

Shun's POV
As it turns out, I was unable to escape by myself before one of Roy's subordinates came to my rescue. The one who's always smoking, I believe. But anyway, directly after he released me, he took off, saying he was going to look for Roy...though I can't imagine why anyone would want to associate with that filthy excuse for a man, may Ms. Sayaka forgive me for thinking such a thing. She'd never objected to me insulting her brother before, but today could be the day...
Thinking of which, Sayaka was the whole reason I'd been trying to get out of there in the first place...Ugh! How could I have forgotten?! Dammit...
"Hey, you! Did see me walk by here?!" I asked a random nurse who I'd just pulled aside. She looked rather frightened of me, but that wasn't very surprising. Civilians were often terrified of members of the military, especially the rough-looking guys like myself. The red hair was like a warning sign to them, screaming, "STAY FAR AWAY!", to the world. I actually found it rather offensive that they were so intimidated by my hair of all things. Not the various guns, not all the badges and medals, but the hair...
"Y-yes, you were with a young girl, sir." she answered timidly, backing away from me ever so slightly.
"Where was I headed?" I furthur pressed, intent on finding Sayaka.
"T-that way, sir..." she stammered, pointing at the door. I sighed in frustration. This wasn't getting me anywhere...

Your POV
You had come to a very important conclusion: being kidnapped was not half as interesting
as everyone made it sound. Especially by kidnappers who were immortal, and had a tendency to leave you alone in a dark room for long periods of time.
"I'm sick of this. Time to bust out!" you declared, right before unintentionally banging your head on the wall. "I need a plan..." you muttered, wiggling around to try and get some of the feel back in your limbs. For once, you were glad for all your military training. It almost made you laugh, thinking of the "normal" weaklings your age who would've long since given up to despair, and who's physical conditions would've been less than pleasant. Almost. But something deep within you kept you from laughing, made you feel only grateful for the fact that you were nothing like them. That feeling was not one that could induce laughter, which might've brightened this dark situation. "If you guys let me walk around for a bit, I promise not to try to kill you! Actually, I'm useless without my gloves and weaponary, so there's not much I can do anyway..." Well, that last bit didn't exactly make you feel proud, but it did make you feel content. Ah, the sweet feeling of a lie...and really good acting. What use was a General who couldn't act? C'mon here...
"Do you take me for an idiot? We know you don't need those gloves. We've heard some interesting stories about you, Saya-chan." Envy's voice said in the same snarling tone you always heard him using. Made you wonder if he'd ever sincerely smiled...were there any homunculi who smiled, a good, honest smile? Or laughed a laugh that wasn't filled with evil-intent? Most likely not. What a depressing group of...people...
"Don't call me that. And if I don't get some exercise now, it ain't gonna be pretty when all your weird plans come into "fruitition" or whatever." you complained, frowning darkly. Frowning was about the only gesture you could make in this position. Screaming and crying were pointless; only a fool, and a weakling at that, would start getting all hysterical. Besides, you couldn't remember the last time you'd honestly, all-out cried. Maybe a couple tears here and there, but no major crying fits.
"Just don't go anywhere before Fullmetal and Flame get here, okay?" he smirked, slamming the door behind him as he left. The loud noise didn't even annoy you at this point. It was growing steadily familiar as they came and went...
A sudden explosion directly outside the room cause you to jump slightly (as much as you could, anyway). What the hell?!
"WHERE THE HELL IS MY SISTER, YOU RETARDED BASTARDS?!?!?!" Roy's voice sounded loudly, probably from right in front of you. An irrisitable urge rose within you...after all, when had you ever passed up a chance to mess with your beloved big brother? So, you didn't say anything to alert him to your presence. Not a word.
"Oh, you mean that pitiful little weakling? You didn't honestly think we'd keep her around, did you?" Envy gushed, making you feel rather sickened. Actually, messing with Roy in a situation like this wasn't going to be very entertaining. And these sickos were the last people you wanted to be stuck with.
"Wh-what...?" Roy whispered, his voice filled with obvious horror. Jeez, he had such little faith in you!
"Ignore him Roy. I'm perfectly fine. Right behind you actually...y'know, stuck in the classic metal closet." you jokingly informed him, trying to lighten the mood.
"Sayaka! Just stay put, okay? I'll have you out of there in no time!" Roy attempted to assure you. But you could hear the uncertainty in his voice. Of course, there was probably no way he could defeat all of them single handedly...what the fool needed was a distraction. Instead of coming here on his own, he should've brought Riza or Shun to hold off the homunculi while he got you out. This was why he was a lower rank than you...
"Dammit! Outta my way!" a new voice shouted. It wasn't familiar in the least, which had you wondering. Was some new stranger coming to your rescue? How exciting...
"Who're you?!" Roy demanded; you could almost hear him tensing up. So, he didn't know the newcomer either...well, that wasn't really much of a surprise. It didn't sound like Fullmetal was here; Envy's plan had failed. And if this new guy was really powerful, you could quite possibly make it out of here relatively unscathed.
"Relax. I'm here to help." the guy said calmly. There was the sound of something being drawn from a case, then a couple extremely loud bangs. A bullet whirred past your head, barely missing.
"Hey! Watch where you aim that thing!" you shouted in protest. A bright hole appeared in the wall before you. Well, new guy made it through the door. A half-smirk made it's way onto your face. But it disappeared only a moment later. You hadn't recognized his voice, but a face like that isn't something you forget. "You...you're Isei!" you realized, gaping up at him.

Chapter 13
Recap: A bright hole appeared in the wall before you. Well, new guy made it through the door. A half-smirk made it's way onto your face. But it disappeared only a moment later. You hadn't recognized his voice, but a face like that isn't something you forget. "You...you're Isei!" you realized, gaping up at him.

"That would be me, yes. Nice to see you again. Been a while, hasn't it, Saya?" he greeted you, smiling warmly. You gave him a harsh glare in return, but his smoky gray eyes only seemed to laugh at this.
"Isei...I thought Shun told you to never come near me again?" His smile widened further, seeming to stretch across his entire face.
"I'm sure he'll forgive me, seeing as I'm here to save your life, little lady." he chuckled, shifting into a position that made it seem like he didn't have a care in the world. The homunculi seemed edgy, almost frightened. But why would they be afraid of a weakling like-- "Now, now, don't go underestimatin' me, Saya-chan!" Isei sang like he could read your mind...
"STOP CALLING ME THAT ISEI, YOU BIG IDIOT!!!" you shouted in agitation. This stupid fool was supposed to save you?! What a laugh...
"Uh...Saya-ch--Sayaka, who's "Isei"?" Roy tried to ask, but you completely ignored him.
"SHUN BANNED YOU FROM EVER LAYING EYES ON ME AGAIN FOR A REASON Y'KNOW, ASSHOLE!!!" you continued to rant, acting like Roy didn't exist. He wilted, and finally gave up on trying to get your attention.
"Oh, really? I don't seem to recall that...would you care to remind me?" he taunted, gesturing towards Roy. You finally turned your attention to your older brother, and he perked up a little. But it wasn't really a very good kind of perking up...
"Sayaka! What's he talking about?! And for the thousandth time, who the hell is he?!" Roy yelled, annoyed after being ignored for so long.
"Uh...question for 'ya, Roy...wait, actually, you ask the question so I can pin the blame on you. Okay, ask me who's more perverted, you or him." you directed him, almost unaware that you were really just trying to avoid the questions.
"Who's more perverted me or him?" Roy questioned obediently, but not really looking happy about it.
"Him, hands down." you stated, and Roy's eyes widened within (finally!) realization.
"Yeah..." you sighed, your impatience with your idiotic excuse for a brother growing by the second. There were just so many infinite reasons why he was lower-ranked than you, even though he was older, that it was almost sad. Poor, pitiful Roy...
"Before we go into detail about how perverted I am, let's get you untied, little Saya-chan!" he beamed, obviously trying to change the subject. You didn't mind the change so much as that nickname he kept calling you...
"STOP CALLING ME THAT, DAMMIT!!!!" You writhed in your position on the floor, trying unsuccessfully to attack him.
"Now, now. Just hold still." he clucked, and vanished for a moment. When he was visible again, all the ropes, chains, and such that you'd been bound in were gone.
"Thanks." you mumbled half-heartedly, rising onto your hands and knees, then falling back into a sitting position. "Ouch..." you murmured, wincing at the tiny pinpricks of feeling that were just returning to your body.
"If you're ready, let's head out. I have a feeling none of these guys are gonna stop us." Isei pointed out, yawning slightly as if he was bored. You shook your head disapprovingly at his lax attitude. Sure, you weren't exactly hyperactive or anything yourself, but you could at least manage to pay attention at crucial moments. Like now, for example.
You didn’t particularly feel like orally chastising him, so you just sighed, focusing all of your remaining disapproval into that one sigh. It wasn’t near as affective as you’d hoped; Isei just gave you a strange look that appeared to ask, “Why the weird sigh?” Pointedly ignoring him, you stood up, admittedly still a little shaky. The homunculi didn't make a move; in fact, they weren't even there anymore. You looked at Isei questioningly, your dark eyes glittering with ever-so-slight suspicion. The reality of this situation was that, though you'd met him before, you didn't really know him all that well. In fact, most of what you did know about him came from Shun, who wasn't willing to tell you very much at all.
“Alrighty, let’s see if I can pull this off with a little more…style than you, Isei. Sure, it’s easy to scare these homunculi into kindly stepping aside, but watch how a Brigadier General does things in these parts.” You smirked confidently, your full strength returning. Of course Roy didn’t stand a chance, but that was because he was Roy. You, however, were you, and therefore fully capable of taking down a couple of immortals!
“Uh…sorry to interrupt your moment of invincibility, but maybe should just leave all this dangerous stuff to the men—“
“Shut up you sexist pig!” you snapped, cutting of your (very intimidated) brother. With no intention of heeding his (probably very wise) advice, you pulled out two pistols that’d somehow managed to escape being taken by the homunculi. Letting out a battle cry worthy of any truly weak soldier (wait, what?!) you stormed their forces (of about four) and towards the door, shooting in random directions as you went. Roy and Isei strolled out behind you a few minutes later. Their casual attitudes served to irritate you, but only a little. It was the fact that Isei was actually whistling…that was what really set you off. “Oh come on! Don’t tell me you weren’t totally wowed by my awesome performance!!! If it wasn’t for me, we would’ve died back there!” you boasted proudly, hands on your hips, shoulders thrust back. Classic super-hero pose.
"Considering the only reason we were there in the first place was to save your sorry I love you, I'd say all you did was make the military look bad. Now I see why you keep lil' Shun around; you're definitely not capable of protecting yourself with a gun." Isei taunted you, an utterly unimpressed expression on his face. That jerk, always making fun of you, and being a total pervert. You found it completely unthinkable that he and Shun were related. They were nothing alike! While Shun was only concerned for your well-being, Isei was absorbed in perverted fantasies revolving around you. Despite the advantages of him carrying around that huge weapon to scare attackers off, and his apparent immunity against the homunculi, he wasn't cut out to be your bodyguard.
"Whatever. I'm not even gonna try to deal with you right now. Let's just go back h--to the base." you muttered, a storm cloud hovering above your head. If you weren't all allergic to rain, there would've been some, pouring down on your parade. Lightening too, if you could stand that.
"Hey sis...speaking of ho--"
"Don't say it, Roy. That place is no home of mine, nor is that woman my mother. You and I both know it." you said harshly, cutting off Roy before he could finish. That seemed to be happening quite a bit as of late.
Without another word, you stormed off in a random direction, headed anywhere but back towards the house. You didn't need those two; you were perfectly capable of getting ho--to Central HQ by yourself!
"Saaaya-chan, you're going the opposite direction of Central...Oh, I get it! You're going to visit our dear friend in the north, Oliver! Well, good luck with that!" Isei waved you off cheerily, serving only to further darken your already black mood. He just couldn't stop pushing your buttons for a single moment, could he?!
Rolling your eyes, and punching a nearby tree to let off some steam, you turned around to head in the other direction. Continuing to ignore them, you stomped through the forest, knowing they were following you a little further back. Neither wanted to stand in the way of your rage.
All in all, there wasn't anything particularly special about the forest. Most of the trees were either short, plump evergreens, or tall, thin pines. Maybe a maple or two here and there, starting to turn a brilliant red. Winter wasn't very far away, thank goodness. Less rain to worry about. Fall was supposed to be a dry season, but so far it'd rained almost every other day. Hopefully the rain would turn into snow this winter, instead of that disgusting sleet. There was only one minor problem with winter, but you'd deal with that when the time came.
"WHOA!!! SAYAKA, HEADS UP!!!" Roy yelled, his voice echoing around the empty clearing. You first ducked, and then quickly glanced around to see why you were ducking. Nothing, at least not anything that stood out...
Right at that moment, an enormous, spiked mace sliced the air directly above your head. You hastily ducked to the side, rolling a distance away. Almost as a reflex (force of habit, as it were), you snapped your fingers in the general direction of your attacker, sending a nearly 46,000 volts of lightening in their direction. There were no screams, no cries of pain, nor even the smell of burning flesh. Only the birds, their chirping growing louder and more urgent as seconds passed by, then minutes, until they finally flew away, possibly scared off by your assailant. But the question still remained...who was attacking you in the first place?!

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