My name is TOBI. WITH AN 'I'.
I am...A GIRL! And I will RULE THE WORLD!!
AND START SENTENCES WITH FANBOYS, MWAHAHA! Ahem. Anyway, I just wanted to say more about everybody's favorite little...uh...Well, moving on...I'm anti-Twilight. Yayness. Bella is 100% Mary Sue, which annoys the heck out of all of us. We who believe in strong, independent female characters, that is. I'm very feministic...In addition, the series encourages all these insanely stupid and illegal things. Hello, the girl was having a child before she turned 20!! Not to mention she and the vampire...well, nastiness.
I like cats.
Moving on from vampire nasties, I have had several cats, but right now only three are living, and only one lives with us. Her name's Juliet, and she's part of the Special Ed program...because somebody dropped her on her head when she was a kitten, apparently...I am not anti-vampire, and enjoy shows/books like Vampire Knight, Blood+, and The House of Night. I've never seen True Blood, thank Kami.
Moving on from vampires...I like rock music, and some screamo/rock. But not the screamo alone, that's weird. I guess if it's got good screaming, that's the kind of rock I listen to
For example, Escape The Fate and Linkin Park are awesomely awesome...I also luvs Paramore and Evanescence and a whole bunch of Japanese bands/singers. Especially Orange Range, Ikimonogakari, YUI, and Kanon Wakeshima...
I love anime/manga...forever...And I'm also a member on Quizilla and as gaararoks...Because I luvs fanfiction~! I'm in chorus, I play the piano and soccer, and I'd like to play volleyball on a team one day.
My favorite subject is naptime. It makes me wish I was back in Kindergarden...In my spare time, I write, read, play piano, sing, play volleyball and soccer, watch good movies, and do a thousand other things...
SPEAKING OF MOVIES~!!! The most epic movie you'll ever see is James Cameron's AVATAR. It's amazing...Oh, and
any movie with Johnny Depp in it is a favorite of mine~! Ex: Pirates of The Carribean, Edward Scissorhands, Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and the extremely old show 21 JumpStreet...where Johnny was but a wee lad, and hawt as all heck~!
Just as a closing statement...My fav TV show is House M.D., with all Hugh Laurie's awesomeness...